Friday, May 28, 2010

When in Rome

I recently went on a trip to Greece and Rome with some people from my school. It was my first time ever out of the country and it was definitely an experience. I thought I would post a few of my favorite pictures from my trip. I hope I can go back one day. Enjoy. :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Made the refigerator door. :)

I was definitely surprised to see this in my mail the other day. :O
First time ever in my life! Well, partly because I was homeschooled...

5 Things I'm thankful for right this very second.

1. American Coffee. -Because in my recent (only) travels abroad, the coffee is gross and good, "American" coffee is hard to find.
2. Summer. -Even though I do miss all my wonderfully crazy friends, I do not miss the actual school part.
3. My quilting mother. -Because no matter where I go in the house, there are always blankets.
4. Cable TV. -I didn't realize until I came home from school how "out of the loop" I really was.
5. Facebook. -Makes procrastonation and stalking so much easier. ;)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Instead of writing my paper, which is due tomorrow...

I decided to start this blog off! Yes well, because naturally, when one is faced with a hurdle in life, the automatic reaction is to, of course, avoid it. So here I am, watching The Office with my mom and not working on my 10 page paper. The decision to start this blog came before I had to write the paper, so perhaps the paper is just a distraction from this awesome blog! Yes, that is what I will choose to tell myself. I was stumped for a good name for this blog though. During my break from perusing Facebook status updates, I took a quick look at for what I hoped would be a good idea for THE blog name. You know, like, the one... And there it was. They would always say, "You just...know, when you find the one". Up until then I never truly understood, but then I saw..."the one".

"...And then I found five dollars.
a phrase used at the end of a story that had really no point to be told to someone. used at the end of boring stories to make them seem more interesting and worthwhile.
"yesterday i went to the fridge and took out a yogurt but put it back and got an apple instead.
...and then i found 5 dollars."

And then the angels sang sweet, sweet, music.

...And then I found five dollars.